Long Island woman ran daycare in same house where husband raped daughter. I'M THE DAUGHTER.
No, I wasn't brainwashed, dehydrated, or starved into thinking this, despite ridiculous claims. Here's my story, and the signs of abuse I showed– have you or your children showed these signs, too?
My name is Malana Hokulani, formerly known as Lisa Fiorvante.
I’m publishing this article to share my story on the chance that if there were other victims of sexual abuse at the hands of my father, they have the opportunity to take action before their statute of limitations is up.
Knowing what happened to me, I have a responsibility to share this information.
I’ve experienced harm and further traumatization for making my abuse disclosures public, which I only began doing AFTER being stalked, harassed, bullied, and smeared from my private disclosures alone.
And still, I’m going to continue forging ahead. Because if other children suffered like I did, parents and potential victims have a RIGHT to know that I came forward and that my own parents have been LYING about me to their own family and friends, as well as their entire professional network.
This is my story.
Two years ago, after a lifetime of inner turmoil that I masked with food, weed, and alcohol, I got support, got sober, and faced the root of my pain: I’d been sexually abused by my father, and my mother had known.
My father is Jack Fiorvante. My mother is Ann Fiorvante. They now reside in Palm Coast, Florida.
Before that, they lived in the same house for 33 years in Suffolk County, NY.
The same house where my mother ran a daycare for nearly 25 years, and the same house where my father raped me.
It was spring of 1995, and I was 6-years old when my father anally raped me on my parent’s bed while my mother worked her night shift at the IRS.
This is a photo of me at the age of 6:
This is a photo of Jack Fiorvante (not recent):
This is a photo of Ann Fiorvante (not recent):
Two years after my father raped me, my mother opened her daycare inside of our home called Home Away From Home Daycare. The daycare operated between the years of 1997-2021.
When the daycare closed in the summer of 2021, my parents sold the house and moved to Florida.
That summer is the same year my mind and body finally felt ready and safe enough to face the truth of my life.
Once that happened, I let my mother know what I’d come to terms with, requested no contact from the both of them, and estranged myself. I simply wanted to move on in peace and focus on the healing I desperately needed.
Instead of respecting my boundary, my parents made it their mission to stalk, harass, and bully me while lying to their own friends, family, and business network about what had happened in an effort to save face.
Their story is that I was somehow dehydrated, starved, taken (i.e. kidnapped), and brainwashed by my spiritual teacher, Liana Shanti, with false memories “planted” into my brain that made me believe I’d been abused. Somehow all of this supposedly happened by a woman who lived 5,000 miles away from me, and I’d never even met.
This ridiculous concoction of a story could NOT be further from the truth. Especially considering the simple fact that I’d never actually been taken anywhere.
And still, I know many will want to believe their version.
I understand why, too.
I know that Home Away From Home Daycare received glowing reviews, I know to many people that my mother was exalted as a kind of “Mother Theresa” figure, and I know that she was, in fact, a dear friend and community member to many.
I know my father was seen as a passionate and eccentric creative who brought people together for a good time and gave them a mission to believe in with his motorcycle club, Deadwood Choppers.
And I know that he and my mother hosted fundraisers and built connections with everyone from the local police and fire department to children’s foundations.
Yes, on the outside, Jack and Ann Fiorvante may have seemed like a couple of do-gooders just trying to keep up, help out, and enjoy life on the South Shore of Long Island.
But growing up and even into adulthood, I witnessed and experienced MUCH different sides to them. From drug and alcohol addiction to domestic abuse, the house upstairs was a world apart from the fantasy land my mother created in her daycare down below.
Throughout my life, I mostly kept quiet to keep the peace and because this is what I’d been “trained” to do– I didn’t know any other life except the one I had, so I accepted toxicity and dysfunction as normal.
Even though I did question things internally, and I always knew things were “off,” I kept my rose-colored glasses on tight. To accept my parents for who they really were – two abusive and neglectful enablers – was way too painful.
So I did my best to look past things like how, starting when I was 14, my parents frequently left me home alone – from weeknights, to weekends, to week-long+ trips – so they could ride motorcycles, get drunk and high, and hang out with their friends. All the while, my father was objectifying young women right in front of my mother, which she enabled, all in the name of growing his motorcycle club.
When they were home, I was mostly ignored by my father, while my mother was constantly criticized, degraded, and treated like his maid, with the both of us subjected to his violent tantrums that included screaming, cursing, name-calling, and door-slamming. A cocaine addiction also played a role in his erratic behavior, something my mother admitted to me in my early 20’s.
Despite all of this, Ann Fiorvante continued to stand by her husband, just as she always had, even after knowing that he’d had an INCESTUOUS relationship with me when I was a child. AND I KNOW SHE KNEW.
Unfortunately, my father wasn’t even the only person who’d sexually abused me. However, I blocked out most of the faces and details for over two decades until 2021 when I was 32-years old.
That year, I got 100% sober – finally quitting weed after a 10-year addiction and removing alcohol and ALL mind-altering substances of any kind – and I began detoxing and providing my body with exceptional nutritional care, despite my parents claiming otherwise.
This meant things like healthy fats, tons of liquids, fruits, and vegetables, supplementing with vitamins and minerals my body was lacking, eliminating meat and dairy to reduce inflammation, and walking daily. I began to feel INCREDIBLE.
Additionally, I turned to prayer, Jesus Christ, and the practice of shamanic healing to help me go deeper into the healing I knew I needed.
This was AFTER I’d already tried just about everything else to figure out what was wrong with me and how to "fix" the various physical, mental, and emotional symptoms I’d been dealing with for years.
Over the course of the past decade I’d tried things like mental health counseling, psychiatry, Adderall, multiple health practitioners and chiropractors, different diets and supplements, personal development books, and so much more.
But nothing ever worked long-term. Until I finally found an approach that did through a woman whose teachings, knowledge, and intuitive gifts I trusted.
And as I pieced together memories and began seeing my life more clearly, THAT is when my night terrors stopped, my chronic pain disorder disappeared, and so much more.
Yet because the method I used is alternative and because it brought memories and knowings to the surface, even from when I was a baby, my parents have been CLINGING to this as their saving grace for why I must be crazy and not to be believed.
The methods in which I pieced together my childhood memories DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT that I showed signs of abuse and symptoms of complex post-traumatic stress disorder ALL throughout my life.
It does not change the FACT that when memories of my abuse began rushing back in that:
I FINALLY understood why I’d ALWAYS had a memory of lying face-down on my parent’s bed, of the feeling of being thudded against from behind, of the shock and icy chill that coursed through my body.
I FINALLY understood why I ALWAYS had a memory of experiencing intense stomach pains, being unable to use the bathroom properly, and my parents taking me to the hospital where I was given rectal suppositories.
I FINALLY understood why I ALWAYS had a memory of my mother CRYING and SCREAMING at my father while I watched on, followed by ripping off her ring and throwing it at him.
I FINALLY understood why I often jumped when my father entered the room, why I had a hard time looking him in the eye, and why I always felt anxious, on guard, and like I had a frog in my throat when alone with him.
I also finally understood why, when I once tried talking to my mother about her self-admitted alcoholism and emotionally abusive behavior, she got defensive and scoffed, “Maybe one day you’ll talk to your father about HIS stuff.”
I was able to finally understand SO MUCH about my life. Signs and symptoms, words said and unsaid, looks, comments, reactions, and behaviors that made me feel sad, sick, and angry– all of this creating a twisted web of abuses that I’d lived through for just about my whole existence.
Then I had to come to the painful acceptance that, despite my mother being aware that my father had sexually abused me, she chose to STAY WITH HIM.
I realized that, in order to cope with that reality, I dissociated as a child and stuffed the memories away as much as I possibly could. My young brain COULD NOT reconcile the fact that my own father would hurt me the way that he had and that my mother would willfully ignore that fact.
Maybe she told herself he had a sickness and that she could help him.
Maybe she believed that time would heal him and all of us.
Maybe she just felt trapped, and didn’t know what to do.
Maybe she felt her life would be easier if she just… moved on. Erase it from her memory AND mine. Simply get me to forget, to not remember, to not question, all while throwing me a “this too shall pass”– her infamous line whenever I’d express pain and sadness throughout my life.
But it didn’t pass.
I went on to develop issues like obsessive compulsive behaviors and suicidal thoughts, poor performance in school (straight A’s to C’s, D’s, and F’s), a decade-long addiction to weed, and one toxic romantic relationship after the next, including my former marriage. A marriage that seemed nice on the outside, but just like my parent’s marriage, was rife with dysfunction and landed us in couple’s counseling.
Then in my early 30’s, I started seeing visions of myself performing oral sex on my father anytime I was in the same room as him– visions that I’d come to accept were flashbacks of me as a child.
Embarrassed and confused by what I was seeing and experiencing, I did nothing, I said nothing, and I pretended they weren’t happening. Instead, I smoked and drank them away. Because that’s what we all did when we were together– we smoked, and we drank.
Smoking and drinking is how I was able to keep the fantasy alive that just maybe we really were a happy, loving family. And just maybe my mother really is the “nice lady with the cute daycare.” And to many, I know she was and still is that person.
But as her actual daughter who LIVED with her, that was NOT the majority of MY experience.
Because while I certainly received an aspect of love and affection from my mother, I ALSO received deep cruelty as she ignored my emotional needs and cries for help and never, not once, EVER actually getting it for me.
EVEN after she asked me when I was in high school if I needed to see a psychologist. Which she NEVER pursued. I know now that would have been too risky for her.
Yet I truly NEEDED that help.
Especially since, as I shared, my father was NOT the only person who’d sexually abused me. A truth that my mother has also used as one of her many attempts to discredit me, going so far as to write the following about me in a court document:
“We really don’t believe anyone in their lifetime can and would be abused by this many people and never reach out, never show signs.” – Ann Fiorvante
Meanwhile, it is a FACT that a child who’s been assaulted once is actually at a HIGHER RISK of being assaulted AGAIN in the future.
As a licensed daycare provider and MANDATORY REPORTER who’s had to take classes on child abuse & maltreatment, adverse childhood experiences, and trauma, she should KNOW this, and she should know the signs to look for.
And she does. She just IGNORED them.
Because signs I most certainly DID show.
Below are just some of the MANY signs I exhibited throughout my lifetime, both outwardly and privately, pulled directly from RAINN.org (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization). In bold are all of the ones that Ann Fiorvante would have had the most awareness about:
My Signs of Sexual Abuse1:
Signs of trauma to the genital area, such as unexplained bleeding, bruising, or blood on the sheets, underwear, or other clothing
Regressive behaviors or resuming behaviors they had grown out of, such as thumbsucking or bedwetting
Excessive talk about or knowledge of sexual topics
Not talking as much as usual
Sexual behavior that is inappropriate for the child’s age
Change in mood or personality
Decrease in confidence or self-image
Increase in unexplained health problems such as stomach aches and headaches
Loss or decrease in interest in school
Nightmares or fear of being alone at night
Self-harming behaviors
Unhealthy eating patterns, like a loss of appetite or excessive eating
Signs of depression, such as persistent sadness, lack of energy, changes in sleep or appetite, withdrawing from normal activities, or feeling “down”
Falling grades or withdrawing from classes
Expressing thoughts about suicide or suicide behavior
Drinking or drug use
Anxiety or worry about situations that did not seem to cause anxiety in the past
Avoiding specific situations or places
If Ann Fiorvante “missed” signs in me, what did she “miss” in other children?
Additionally from RAINN.org:
“The effects of child sexual abuse can be long-lasting and affect the victim's mental health. Victims are more likely than non-victims to experience the following mental health challenges:
About 4 times more likely to develop symptoms of drug abuse
About 4 times more likely to experience PTSD as adults
About 3 times more likely to experience a major depressive episode as adults”
I experienced ALL THREE of the above mental health challenges as my mother watched on – even ENCOURAGING my drug use – and did NOTHING to truly help me.
Why would I, a woman who my mother claims had a “wonderful childhood,” go on to spend an entire decade smoking weed nearly everyday? Why would someone with a wonderful childhood be seeking support and healing IN THE FIRST PLACE?
Because MY REALITY was NOTHING LIKE the fairytale they’ve been painting.
With the smear campaign my parents have waged against me and my spiritual teacher in an attempt to distract their network from the truth, paired with the FACT that sexual abusers often have MORE THAN ONE victim, it’s become abundantly clear to me that I MUST SPEAK UP.
In fact, nearly 70% of sex offenders have between 1 and 9 victims.
This means the odds of me being the only victim are extremely low.
And while I may be in the minority of people who have seen the real Jack and Ann Fiorvante, if there ARE parents or grown children who have EVER had any suspicions or unsettling feelings towards my father, it is my DUTY to let the families of Suffolk County, NY know that I CAME FORWARD.
It’s important that people KNOW that my father Jack Fiorvante, a man who sexually abused me as a child also had DIRECT ACCESS TO OTHER CHILDREN INSIDE OF HIS HOME.
I’ve actually witnessed children coming and going from the daycare into our home to play with him and his trains, and I’m also aware that he had access to and got to know this specific group of children during one of his photoshoots:
It’s important to know that the MAJORITY (93%) of children and teen victims KNOW their abuser.
It’s important to know that sexual abusers can seem like some of the nicest people you know.
Just look at the story of Larry Nassar– beloved sports medicine physician turned convicted sex offender who molested HUNDREDS of young female gymnasts and Olympic athletes. He even abused some of them in the SAME ROOM where parents were present and got away with it for YEARS.
Lastly, I feel it’s important to know that I actually fled the state of Florida on January 8th, 2023 after experiencing an attempted break-in that coincided with suspicious statements and activities pertaining to my father. I then had him served by his local sheriff’s department in April 2023, took him to family court in an attempt to file a restraining order, and when he appeared: HE DID NOT EVEN QUESTION WHY HE’D BEEN SERVED, NOR DID HE PROCLAIM THAT HE WAS INNOCENT.
This is despite the fact that the very first words I wrote in my motion were that he ANALLY RAPED me when I was 6-years old.
Instead, what he chose to say with the chance he had to speak was that he did NOT agree to stay away from me along with a complaint about the things I was sharing online.
Rather than state innocence as a reason for not agreeing to stay away from me, he chose to blame-shift and focus on the fact that I was sharing my story and making his abuses known, largely in part to DEFEND myself and my spiritual teacher against his and my mother’s destructive lies.
This was his attempt to SILENCE ME through creating a distraction that would take the attention off of himself – the reason why we were REALLY there – and make ME “look bad” for sharing the TRUTH.
If you know how an abuser operates, it’s so painfully obvious, it’s a wonder anyone could blindly believe and support him.
Unfortunately, many people do.
Fortunately, I DON’T CARE about the people who don’t believe me– I care about those who actually DO have doubts, suspicions, and questions around the validity of Jack and Ann Fiorvante’s claims, and who, just maybe, have a story like mine that needs to be told.
Earlier this year, Ann Fiorvante made a public statement on the Home Away From Home Daycare’s Facebook business page “assuring” the public that ALL of my allegations are “100% false” and that she offers “full transparency” to those who have questions.
Yet, unless the things I’ve mentioned in this article were shared (and this is just a snapshot), that was yet another BOLD-FACED LIE, and it goes to show that she’s JUST AS CAPABLE as her husband, Jack Fiorvante, of playing pretend to the public, only to drop the mask in private:
“FYI I don’t want you back.” – Jack Fiorvante
Well, as a 35-year old ADULT woman, I DO NOT CONSENT to EVER going back to or having either of my parents in my life in any way, shape, or form. And I KNOW they don’t truly want me back either– they just want me silent.
Well, I will NOT be silent.
Because what I DO consent and commit to is telling the TRUTH about what my life and the “home” above Home Away From Home Daycare was REALLY like and what I’ve had to do to heal and rebuild– not only from their abuses as a child but from their abuses as an adult.
They can play victim and tell their version of events for the rest of their days, but it doesn’t change what I KNOW deep within my bones:
My father, Jack Fiorvante, sexually abused me.
If you’ve made it this far, and this article has resonated with you, then I encourage you to please TAKE ACTION in some way for the sake of you or your child’s health and wellbeing.
No matter how long it’s been, abuse is NEVER “in the past.” Sadly, the likelihood that a person will suffer suicidal thoughts increases after sexual violence, with 33% of women who are raped contemplating suicide – something I can personally attest to – and 13% of women actually attempting it.
Some ways you can take action are through contacting an organization like RAINN.org for support and legal resources, making a complaint to the Childcare Council of Suffolk County New York, or even submitting information directly to me through this form.
Just maybe the length of time and amount of suffering I experienced for three decades of my life can be shortened for someone else, and just maybe Jack and Ann Fiorvante can be held accountable for their abuse and negligence.
Thank you for reading.
– Malana
P.S. If you read this article, have zero connection to me or to Home Away From Home Daycare, but you think that you may have been sexually abused at some point in your life, please know that it’s so much more common than people want to believe. Your feelings and your experiences matter, YOU MATTER, and you deserve peace and healing, too.
Additional Resources:
To learn more information about the smear campaign waged against my spiritual teacher Liana Shanti – how it began and where the negative press actually came from – please click here.
To hear me share more about my story, you can listen to this podcast episode where I was interviewed by Liana herself in January of 2023. At the 1 hour 30 minute mark, Liana goes into the actual science behind trauma and repressed memories.
Here’s a series of posts I wrote last year (1, 2) that go into some of my earliest memories of abuse and the important, though rarely-discussed, topic of child-on-child sexual “play”– a warning sign that a child has experienced some form of sexual abuse.
Thank you for speaking out, Malana. 🙏🏻 Your podcast episode last year is what helped my own repressed memories of CSA surface. Our bodies have always known the Truth. 🤍
Thank you for sharing your truth Malana 🙏🏼 sending so much love to you 💜💜💜